By submitting the booking form for the Indonesia Animal Communication Retreat 2026, you agree to the following Booking Terms & Cancellation Policy.
Payment Policy
The first payment is accepted as a Declaration of Interest payment.
You can cancel your place within 7 days of the first payment and receive a full refund of the Declaration of Interest payment.
Subsequent payments are refunded in accordance with the cancellation and refund table below.
If your booking is received after one or more payment due dates, the full total of all payments for such due dates must be received before your booking is accepted. For example, if you book on 26 July 2025, you would pay the Declaration of Interest payment and second payment together as one, then the following payment on the next due date.
Failure to make a payment by the due date
If you miss a payment, we will remind you and give you a further 14 days to make the payment.
After 14 days of the missed payment, your place will be cancelled and any payments you made will be non-refundable and non-transferable. This is a strict condition of your booking and will be implemented. Travel insurance is mandatory and ‘cancel for any reason’ cover is highly recommended.
Payment Dates
2025/2026 Payment Date
On date you first declare interest
20 July 2025
20 January 2026
20 May 2026
Sum Due
Remaining balance
Reserve List
If the retreat is full, we will hold a reserve list. Once your submission form is received, places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. The first payment will be invoiced if your submission is successful and payment is to be made within 7 days. Further notice will be given 7 days before subsequent payments are due.
This investment is based on a twin shared occupancy where indicated. Single supplement is additionally due for sole occupancy participation, if applicable, and where available.
Payment Plan Flexibility
If you prefer a more regular payment plan we are happy to create that for you. The payment amounts will still be due by their stated dates, but we can offer smaller, more regularly invoices – limited to 5 separate payments – if that helps you. You can also pay in full at the time of booking if that suits you better.
No Formal Teaching
There is no formal teaching on this retreat. Please come with the foundation knowledge and experience, having attended an animal communication workshop with Pea or another reputable animal communicator, completed our online course or read Animal Communication Made Easy. Pea will be holding intuitively-led sessions to support your dolphin experiences.
Cancelling Your Booking
If you have to cancel, please inform us by e-mail. No cancellation can be considered accepted until receipt of your email and a confirmation reply email sent by ACR. There is no rescheduling or transfer on any cancellation. After 7 days, the Declaration of Interest payment becomes a non-refundable deposit and is excluded from refund calculations.
The following refund policy will apply:
Date of Cancellation
Within 7 days of Declaration of Interest
On or before 31 July 2025
On or before 31 January 2025
On 1 February 2026 and all further monies paid
Refund Due
Full refund of Declaration of Interest
Balance 50% refundable
Balance 25% refundable
No refund
We have calculated the refunds due based on the timetable for payment by Animal Communication Retreats Ltd to third parties including flights and accommodation costs.
If you pay any sums due before the due date, the refund policy shall continue to apply.
If you have to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances, please notify us by email before the next payment date.
This refund excludes payments made by you in order to fulfil your part of the trip including and not excluding international flight, travel insurance etc.
No refunds will be given for Force Majeure, late arrivals, early departure, unused parts of the Retreat, missing the embarkation deadline, removal from the retreat due to illness or improper behaviour, or improper or inaccurate documentation in denied plane boarding or entry into Indonesia.
No refunds will be given if you fail to make the booked accommodation or transfers and you will need to arrange your own way to get to the meeting point at your own cost.
No transfers will be given to another person or to another retreat if you cancel your place.
It is essential you take out adequate valid travel insurance for this trip before booking or in accordance with your policy providers terms and conditions. This is a remote wilderness retreat, travel insurance with ’emergency evacuation’ is mandatory, and we highly recommend you take out a ‘cancel for any reason’ policy in order to protect your investment should you need to cancel for any reason.
For the avoidance of doubt, if you fail to make any payment by the due date we shall not be obliged to hold your place longer than 14 days. After 14 days your place will be cancelled and all payments made will remain non-refundable and non-transferable.
Travel Insurance
For your own safety, well-being and financial protection, it is essential that you are adequately insured. All material facts likely to affect your insurance must be declared to your insurer at the time of booking. If you make a booking and then have to cancel it because you are unable to arrange appropriate insurance you will be liable for all costs.
This insurance should cover trip cancellation/interruption, including inability to travel or cancellation by ACR due to severe weather, emergency evacuation coverage, pandemic or other force majeure, and should cover your total retreat costs.
In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is particularly important that you obtain a full insurance policy that covers against Covid-19 related risks such as ‘Cancel For Any Reason’ or CFAR policies. Failure to arrange appropriate travel insurance is entirely your responsibility and will not change either party’s obligations under these Terms and Conditions.
You are therefore responsible for providing your own travel/cancellation insurance. If you do not secure travel insurance, you accept that you are responsible for all non-refundable charges including as per Clause 4 above and additionally undertake to make full refund to ACR for any costs expended on your behalf before, during or after your retreat programme.
Photographic Release
You agree to ACR and Animal Thoughts Limited copyrighting photographs and/or videos that have been taken of you, or in which you may be included with others, and to use and/or publish the same in whole or in part for any other purpose whatsoever, including advertising and promotions.
Retreat Terms & Conditions
By participating in the Indonesia Animal Communication Retreat 2026, you agree to our Release of Liability and Retreat Terms & Conditions found here.