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Australia Animal Communication Training 2018

Beginner, Intermediate-Advanced

A comprehensive live-training experience facilitated personally by Pea Horsley and visiting animal guest-teachers, with an add-on wild Whale Wisdom Enhancement. NOW FULL

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July 14 – 20, 2018

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Six subjects over six days and a whale wisdom enhancement to end the week.

Learning how to trust yourself and communicate with animals, then be witness to how that impacts on both your personal life and your animal’s lives is beyond what I can put here in words. This experience is to be felt with the heart. It’s profound. It goes deep and changes lives.

Animals are natural communicators and every day they try and share their wishes and wisdom with humans, but most people have forgotten that they’re also natural animal communicators.

Over the course of 6-days I’ll teach you to remember how to have a two-way conversation with other animals, those you love and new friends you’ll meet at the workshops. You’ll learn how to remove self doubt and hone your intuitive ability to create clear and effective communication that will make animals’ lives happier and change yours forever.

Exploring and practising 6 core subjects, over the first two days we’ll begin with the Introductory skills including valuable practice and time to question and grow. Over days 3 and 4, we’ll progress with the intermediate techniques of Body Scanning and Gestalt, and also Remote Viewing which is needed in tracking missing animals. On day 5, Empowering Animals teaches you how to perceive your power or totem animals and connect with them for support, protection and guidance with your animal communication. The final day, Life Loss Love workshop provides a cathartic and enlightening day to learn the animals point of view in death, dying and the afterlife and ultimately empower animal transition.

This short video was recorded when I last facilitated workshops in Noosa in 2016 and will give you an insight into what to expect.

Post Training Bonfire Supper (19th July)

On the last evening together we’ll have a relaxing gathering around a bonfire, share our ‘bring a dish’ and enjoy great conversation with new friends.

Whale Wisdom Enhancement (20th July) NOW FULL

The perfect end to the week is the Whale Wisdom Enhancement exclusive boat trip to experience communication with some of our wisest co-inhabitants.

Day 1: The Introduction to Animal Communication

Skill level: Complete beginners

What’s involved?

Participant’s will learn the basic theories of animal communication, otherwise known as interspecies telepathic communication, providing you with the foundation level of communication with animals with which you can then practice communicating with your own animal’s at home and those of your friends.

Subjects included:

  • Explanation of the what, why and how of animal communication
  • Exploration of how you will receive information from animals
  • Exercises on how to relax the body and mind
  • Learn how to sense energy
  • Meditation to strengthen the right brain hemisphere to intuition
  • Learn how to ‘listen’ with the heart using the Heart-to-Heart technique
  • Send and receive information telepathically
  • Communicate with animals who are present ‘face to face’
  • Practice communicating distantly with an animal using a photo
  • Receive answers about your animal from another student

The Key Benefits of This Day:

  • You will learn the ‘how’ of communicating with animals.
  • You will discover your core sensing strength.
  • You will practice communicating with animals in a safe environment.
  • You will have your communication impressions verified.
  • You will receive expert guidance and support from Pea Horsley.

Day 2: Practice and Development Day

What’s Involved?

Today is devoted to practice with real visiting animal guest-teachers and also with your own animals through photographs of them. Pea will also encourage you to release any self doubt or barriers to authentic telepathic communication with animals through tried and tested exercises and meditations. You will communicate with other particpant’s animals through a photo and receive communications about your own animals from your student colleagues. Every communication will be verified to enable you to monitor your growth. The key to animal communication is practice, practice, practice and that is the experience this day gifts to you.

Subjects included:

  • Learn how to word questions to animals.
  • Experience how to share communications for the benefit of friends.
  • Understanding your individual skill set and how to develop further.
  • Exercises to bring awareness to your trust/control persona.
  • Meditations to deepen your intuition and remove self doubt

The key benefits of this day:

  • You will gain practice with in-person animal teachers.
  • You will gain practice communicating with animals via photo.
  • You will experience exercises to help you relax and trust.
  • You will be taken on guided meditations to deepen your intuition.
  • You will leave feeling much more confident about your ability.

Day 3 & 4: Body Scanning, Gestalt & Remote Viewing

Skill level: Intermediate

Prerequisite: Level 1, Returning AnimalThoughts student

What’s involved?

Over the course of two days attendees will learn how to understand an animal’s physicality on a deeper level. Practice the technique of body scanning an animal from the outside in order to detect areas of imbalance. Then practice the gestalt method and learn to move your consciousness inside an animal’s body to explore physical concerns. Participants will also practice a more advanced method of moving their consciousness to another location (non-local reality) to ‘view’ an area remotely which is important when tracking missing animals. Students will be given an opportunity to put all of these skills into verified practice. We’ll also look at the reasons why animals go missing, the right questions to ask them when they’re lost and how to also reflect on environmental and personal issues which can impact on animals. The three intermediate subjects learned over these two days can also help you understand what to do if your animal goes missing and give you techniques to help you be reunited.

Subjects included:

  • Explore and practicing body scanning another student
  • Understand how to move your consciousness inside an animal to internally scan
  • Practice body scanning and gestalt with an animal teacher
  • Explore remote viewing and how it is used along with gestalt when tracking missing animals
  • Practice remote viewing and receive verification
  • Practice remote viewing a non-local situation and gather information

This is for you if:

  • You wish to add more skills to your ‘tool kit’.
  • You are open to exploring challenging skills that will stretch you.
  • You wish to understand how animals feel physically.
  • You want to know how remote viewing can aid tracking lost animals.
  • You are confident in basic communication skills and feel ready to explore more difficult areas of animal communication.

The key benefits of this day:

  • You will learn how to scan an animals physical energy.
  • You will learn how to tune into any areas of physical imbalance.
  • You will practice energy merging to reveal further physical concerns.
  • You will learn how to remotely sense non-local information.
  • You will practice the tools used to track missing animals.

Days 5 & 6

Skill level: Intermediate/Advanced

Prerequisite: Level 1 & 2, Returning AnimalThoughts student

Day 5: Empowering Animals

What’s involved?

This Empowering Animals course provides you with a way to meet your own power animals. Sometimes these animals are called animal spirit guides, totem animals or spirit animals. We will call them Power Animals because, ultimately, they are with you to em-Power you. These are your spiritual allies and they show up to to offer guidance, healing, protection, inspiration and encouragement. As your friends they only offer positive, supportive and loving messages.

Pea will gently lead you to enable a deep connection where you will meet your own power animals, learn to sense other people’s and through communication – tap into their wisdom. You can ask them questions and they will give you the answers. You will work with animal teachers present and also with your own with or without their photo.

Subjects included:

  • Meet your power animal/s for the day
  • Guided meditation to meet the other power animals in your life
  • Using the senses to ‘see’ power animals
  • Discover the meaning behind your power animals
  • Communication guidance with your own power animal by photo
  • Communication with unknown power animals by photo

The key benefits of this day:

  • You will learn how to sense power animals – your own and others.
  • You will learn the importance of connecting with your power animals.
  • You will have opportunity to seek answers from power animals.
  • You will learn the meaning of different power animals in your life.
  • You will gain confidence in communicating with your power animals.

Day 6: Life Loss Love

What’s involved?

During this workshop you will discover ways to support an animal during ill health and as they approach their transition. Based on the lessons learned from animals in her new book, The Animal Communicator’s Guide Through Life, Loss and Love, Pea will share with you ways to prepare for animal’s passing, how to recognise when they are ready and whether or not they need assistance. Pea will also talk about the grieving process and the various stages of grief, including disenfranchised grief. Most importantly we will explore through communication what the animals feel about transition and they will answer questions your about dying, death and the afterlife.

Subjects included:

  • You will learn how animals feel about dying and death
  • Understand the stages of the grieving process
  • Learn how to recognise when an animal is ready to pass
  • Discover ways of how best to support using communication
  • Learn how to be empowered at such a difficult time

The key benefits of this day:

  • You will learn what animals feel about dying and death.
  • You will discover tools to draw on for courage and support
  • You will communicate to learn animals answers to your questions
  • You will learn what happens to your animal’s soul
  • You will hear ways to honour an animal before & after their transition

What others say about this course:

“Pea gives a well balanced course in animal communication with theory and practice with guest animal teachers. Pea is such a lovely, calm, well balanced spiritual person that her course is a pleasure to attend.” – Isobel Johnstone, Australia 2016

“Pea’s guidance is immensely powerful. She had us communicating successfully with animals on day one. I am blown away by what we could do by the end of the course.” – Shelia Langan, Australia 2016

“Pea facilitated perfectly with passion, earthliness and an accessible way to connect to your intuition. LOVED IT!” – Toni Gunston, Australia 2016

“Pea has a beautiful gentle energy to work with. As a teacher she’s  very patient, caring, intuitive and insightful.” – Sharon Walters, Australia 2016

“What a wonderfully gratifying experience. I surprised myself with what I was capable of achieving, in spite of my doubt! So satisfying, it’s hard to find the words. Would definitely recommend this course.” – Debra Chesterton, Australia 2016

“Pea taught us how to refine and nurture our abilities. She really is a fabulous teacher.” – Karen Johnston, Australia 2016

“Pea is an astonishingly adept, intuitive and compassionate teacher (and person). Her supportive and encouraging manner was vital to me, assisting me to gain methodology and confidence.” – Diana Green, Australia 2016

This short video includes feedback from previous participants of Animal Thoughts workshops.


  • New students are able to book the full 6-day programme or opt for Level 1 or Levels 1 & 2.
  • Returning Animal Thoughts students can book Level 2 &/or 3 as stand alone workshops or the full 6-day programme and qualify for 20% discount.
  • The Whale Wisdom Enhancement is open to all 2018 participants as an add-on.

New Students

  • Level 1 

    Introduction & Development (14 & 15 July)

    Early-Bird Special £287 (expires 14 April 2018)

    In Full £312

  • Levels 1 & 2

    Introduction & Development & Body Scanning, Gestalt & Remote Viewing (14 – 17 July) save £117

    Early-Bird Special £627 (expires 14 April 2018)

    In Full £657

  • Levels 1, 2 & 3

    Full 6-day Training Programme (14 – 19 July) save £479

    Early-Bird Special £797 (expires 14 April 2018)

    In Full £847

All Students

  • Soul Deep Dive SOLD OUT

    Whale Wisdom Enhancement (20 July)

    In Full £125 (includes life vest, vegetarian snacks & refreshments)

Returning Animal Thoughts Students

  • Level 2

    Body Scanning, Gestalt & Remote Viewing (16 & 17 July) 

    In Full £457*

    *Only available to repeat students of Animal Thoughts. No early-bird.

  • Level 3

    Empowering Animals & Life, Loss, Love (18 & 19 July)

    In Full £557*

    *Only available to repeat students of Animal Thoughts. No early-bird.

  • Levels 2 & 3 only

    Body Scanning, Gestalt & Remote Viewing and Empowering Animals & Life, Loss, Love (16 – 19 July)

    In Full £637*

    *Only available to repeat students of Animal Thoughts. No early-bird.

  • Levels 1, 2 & 3

    Full 6-day Training Programme (14 – 19 July)

    In Full £637  save 20% 

    *Only available to repeat students of Animal Thoughts. No early-bird.

Folder & Handout

Each new student will receive an Animal Thoughts folder and handout* to accompany the workshop they attend. Returning students are requested to bring their original folder or notebook dedicated to animal communication.

  • Handouts will be provided via USB to save on trees and luggage weight.

Private Facebook Group

Every student (with a Facebook account) will be able to join a private Animal Thoughts Facebook group dedicated to encouraging one another in animal communication, practice shares and mutual support.

Non-Refundable Deposit

Your payment includes a non-refundable deposit of £150.

Accommodation & Meals excluded

These are not included and your own responsibility, as are your travel arrangements. When your booking is received, we’ll send some accommodation suggestions to help get you started.


Email us here if you’d like to ask a question before making a booking.



July 14 – 20, 2018

Apart from the glorious weather, beautiful beaches and easy lifestyle one of the best things about living in Noosa is that, even though it’s a small place, everyone in Australia’s heard of Noosa because it’s one of the most famous beach resorts. Noosa’s sub-tropical climate is tempered by the ocean so it is never blazingly hot and rarely cold enough to demand more than a pullover or cardigan.


The Dolphin Pool, Green Gate Road, Cooroibah, Noosa, QLD 4565, Australia


9.00am – 4.00pm Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Tuesday will finish at the earlier time of 1pm

Friday (Whale Wisdom Enhancement) will finish no later than 4pm. Start time tbc.

Lunch approx. 45 mins/1hr

Registration: From 8.30am

Register Today

Whale Wisdom Enhancement (20 July) NOW FULL

Suitability: Open to all Animal Thoughts 2018 participants

This will be a relaxed mini-retreat dedicated to rest, reflection and whale whispering.

We’ll travel out into the ocean on a private comfortable catamaran or whale watching boat to experience the world from a different perspective.

Our experience may begin by greeting the wild whales with soft singing, gently playing of musical instruments or hum our own melody. (Please bring your own musical instrument if you have one.)

Out on the water (the emotion element), the emotions can be stroked and soothed. Sometimes they are amplified and anything lingering that needs to be seen may come to the surface for acknowledgement and tender transformation. This is where the whales will support and guide you to let go and release so you can be re-birthed into your new energy frequency. Other creatures may also come forward to assist.

We’ll come together as a pod for deeper connection with fellow participants and reflection on our animal communication deep-dive. There will also be space for silence and solitude with the calming horizon of Mother Earth if you feel that’s what you need.

Before returning to land, we’ll also hold a sacred water blessing, followed by an honouring gifting ceremony where we gift something into the ocean with love from our heart to the ocean and her inhabitants. This could be anything of personal meaning or significance – e.g. a song, poem, message, pebble, leaf, crystal.

The Not So Small Print

Please be mindful that whales are wild animals and may not make themselves visible. Communication is still possible and trust in the process is paramount.

Life jackets will be available. This is a non-swim experience.

The Whale Wisdom Enhancement is an add-on event and open to all 2018 AnimalThoughts students attending a workshop in Noosa.

Cancellation: This trip is weather dependent and will only take place if deemed suitable.

Refund Policy: If cancelled your Whale Wisdom Enhancement fee will be refunded in full. Any personal costs incurred will not be refunded and at your own risk (accommodation, travel etc).