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Are mosquitoes a problem, what medication should I take?

Botswana can be considered one of the safest travel destinations in Africa but as with all places around the world certain precautions have to be taken into account before travelling.

At least eight weeks before leaving your country for your safari to Botswana advice should be sought from your doctor regarding what precautionary medication to take.


Botswana is a malaria risk area. Anti-malaria medication is a must – and you should consult your doctor in this regard. Anti-malarial medication should commence at least a week before leaving for your trip.

Precautions such as long-sleeved shirts and long trousers/jeans for wearing in the evenings will reduce your chances of mosquito bites. Pack some mosquito repellent, cream or spray, for applying to your hands, face and neck. This will help keep the mosquitoes at bay.

As in many places in Africa malaria does occur in Botswana with many people contracting the illness each year. Malaria however is more prevalent in the rural areas where the population lives close together. A mosquito has to draw blood from a human who has the virus in their systems before it can become a carrier and pass the virus on to other people.

Yellow Fever

You will have to be inoculated against this disease at least 10 days before departing for South Africa (Johannesburg airport). At the time of your inoculation you will be issued with a Yellow Fever Certificate which you should keep with all your other travel documents.

  • You will be required to present your Yellow Fever Certificate at every border control.
  • If your inoculation is administered LESS THAN 10 before departure, or if you are not in possession of your certificate, you can be refused entry in to the country.

This applies to most countries in Africa.

Make a photo-copy of your certificate and keep it elsewhere in your luggage – NOT with your documents.


Your doctor can advise you on mediations for Zambia.

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