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7 Ways To Raise Your Vibes

By 18th July 2017August 17th, 2017Self Development
Animal Thoughts

Every now and then something will crop up that taps into a childhood insecurity and causes us to doubt ourselves. Challenges come into our life to teach or bring attention to an area that needs some work.

There have been times when I’ve been challenged and had my own shaky moment, not in my belief in animal communication, but my belief in my own ability.

It is up to us whether we choose to sink by giving into the weight of fear and self-doubt, or whether we choose to raise our vibration and rise again.

Often by asking the question, ‘What is the truth of this situation?’ we are freed from our negative thoughts and able to find the path back to our calm core again. Most importantly the truth of who we are.

If you find yourself having a challenging time or shaky moment communicate with the animals for guidance, ask your human friends for support, and also rely on your greatest cheerleader, your most loyal friend, and most trustworthy confident…your-Self. Listen to your in-tuition…inner tuition.

To help you raise your vibration and to encourage some positive energy into your life why not create your own 5 Ways To Raise Your Vibes that will lighten your energy and enable you to fly again.

When we rise to challenges we become stronger.

7 Ways To Raise Your Vibes:

#1 Shift Your Perception – Be conscious of your thoughts. Half glass full.

If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.

– Wayne Dyer

#2 Meditate or be still to find your-Self again.

#3 Write a gratitude list.

#4 Engage with things that bring you joy. Films for laughter. Atmosphere additions.

#5 Focus on love. Anything else is not important.

#6 Move your body – boost the endorphins, even 10 minutes is better than none.

#7 Music…happy tunes create happy vibes.

Thank you…

To those situations and people that challenge me and help remind me who I truly am. Much love and gratitude to the animals and friends who are by my side.