Thank you for volunteering to be a part of Pride Spotlight where we will be highlighting one Member a month on what they’ve learned and how Pride has enhanced their lives. This will take the form of a recorded interview Q&A session and be shared out to help New Members, support those who may be struggling and to encourage others to join.
Interviews will be conducted through Zoom and will take no longer than one hour to create a 15-20 minute Spotlight. Interviews are casual talks with me where I ask up to 6 simple questions, like how long have you been a Member?
This video may also be used in full or part for promotional purposes and placed on YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or other social media. Because of that, we need your permission.
Please virtually sign the Consent Waiver below by filling out your information and submitting the form. Once we have your permission, we can schedule a time and date that works with your schedule.
Thank you and I look forward to talking with you!
Many blessings,