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How To Create a Wildly Successful Summit with Heart

By 1st April 2022CWN Summit, Thoughts

There is so much noise online about the best way to create a summit. The step-by-step process that must be followed, no matter what.

In this great paradigm shift, we are moving away from the must do this, don’t do that, to an approach that is led from the heart.

This Great Shift we are experiencing guides us to move from ‘I want’ in to ‘I give’. The New Earth is asking us to give from the heart in ways that honour and serve Mother Earth.

This is my approach to creating the Conversations with Nature World Summit with heart and I’m excited to share it with you.


Why Host a Summit?

This is the first big question that must be asked before you take another step.

What’s your ‘why’?

Do you want to make money? Increase your email list? Make connections? To collaborate?

Or do you want to create a summit because of a higher calling? For example, perhaps you’ve been asked by the Animal Kingdom? That’s my reason.

I had telepathically asked the Animal Kingdom, ‘How can I best serve you?’ And the response came, the Animals wanted to reach a huge number of people across the world and to connect hearts. They told me to make it ‘as big as you dare.’

Researching the how-to-create-a successful-summit guidelines, I noticed they all said keep it niche – focus on a small specific area.

The Animals said they wanted it to be broad, diverse and all encompassing. They want to link up areas of expertise.

The 2022 Conversations with Nature World Summit areas were to be animal communication, animal sentience, and the wisdom of Earth.

That’s why I want to share with you a fresh, new approach that comes from a 5D experience of life. To help you discover how to create a wildly successful summit with heart.


Who Do You Include?

The second big question has to be who do you include?

Are you going to plan your summit tactically by only asking speakers who already have a huge audience on social media, or a long standing in the field and possibly a large email list to match it?  That’s what the old paradigm instruction tells us to do.

These are helpful because your speakers’ followers may then register to watch your summit to hear their favourite speaker talk on a subject that already interests them. That’s a route given by people who say they are summit experts.

Or do you choose another way? Do you listen to your heart and its intuitive nudges?

My route was with my heart.

Intuitively I sourced every single speaker. I surfed the world wide web and followed my nose online to discover who I was drawn to, I read what speakers had written, and I listened to my gut feelings. I also listened to my cat, Texas.

I trusted the Universe to guide me to who needs to be heard now, and who does not. The Universe knows what the world needs right now.

Perhaps a speaker’s voice will be more impactful another year? We don’t always have the answers, but we can trust our inner guidance system does know and as long as we listen we are in service to the highest good.


What Do You Expect?

The third question you need to ask yourself is what do you expect from hosting a summit? And you have to be honest. It links to your why, and as long as you’ve been clear on your ‘why’, your ‘what’ will be an expected response.

Note down truthfully what your expectations are from creating your summit?

My expectation is simple:

#1 Serve the Animal Kingdom (this is my priority and my role as a professional AC)

Further results from serving the Animal Kingdom could be:

  • Share the messages of animals and plants with thousands of people – exciting!
  • Empower people to reconnect with their own innate nature
  • Create a sacred space for people to express their love for the natural world
  • Enable a vessel for individuals personal expansion in deep balance with Nature
  • Stimulate a ripple effect to elevate consciousness
  • Provide a platform for Mother Earth to be heard

I can’t expect these results because I can’t control them. Each person who registers for a Summit brings their own energy and expectations and chooses how to engage with the content.

I offer a space for the summit registrants to connect with each other and share their own experiences, and at the same time have fun with others enjoying the conversations. I can do that. And so can you. But neither of us can control the results.

But this is what we can do.

We can honour each individual and their personal connection with the speaker lessons.

While I do this, I keep rooted in my primary intention for the event – to be in service to the Animal Kingdom.

In this way, my work in creating the 2022 Conversations with Nature World Summit in service comes full circle.

The result is the Conversations with Nature World Summit 2022 is wildly successful and full of Heart.


The Nitty Gritty No-One Talks About

It takes me about five months to host a summit from start to finish. That’s a long time.

It more of a marathon than a sprint and takes commitment in energy, focus and time. You have to keep going, and keep going, and keep going.

Creating a summit is also a financial commitment. They cost money. For all the time when you’re working on it, you’re not earning money through other work, and you’re still running up costs for online hosting, graphics, content creation, etc. Did I say there’s a lot of work involved? There’s a lot of work involved.

Most of the hard work is done before the summit goes live to the audience. A bit like theatre thinking about it, which was my previous career before jumping into service as a professional animal communicator. We’d rehearse, then have a technical week, then a couple of dress rehearsals, before the audience came to see the show.

If you know this and still want to create your own summit, you’re in a good place.


Find Your Own Approach

You may have another approach that works best for you and will bring you what you identify as success, and I wish you the very best with your endeavour.

With so much to think about do you still want to create a summit? Did you know they are also lots of fun, you meet great people you may not meet any other way, and being in service is hugely satisfying for the Soul!

I’d love you to join me for the 2022 Conversations with Nature World Summit, and for you to be part of our summit community. It begins April 20th! You can register free here:



Pea Horsley is the Founder of the Conversations with Nature World Summit and creator of online learning, Animal Communication Made Easy, a proven 5-step method to learn how to communicate with all species of animals. Pea is the UK’s most highly regarded animal communicator, TEDx speaker, teacher, wild animal retreat facilitator and best-selling author. The Pride membership is a modern answer to the global pandemic and climate crisis, where each month a different species communicates, guides and advises the Pride community.