Empaths are deeply sensitive individuals who can easily pick up on the emotions of other people. They find it difficult…
Each one of us has our own beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, values, and dispositions. These traits are shaped by our genetic…
Okrepite vez z živalmi in poglobite povezanost z njimi (Strengthen your bond with animals and deepen your connection with them)…
The Vagus Nerve is the longest of all the cranial nerves, connecting the brain to the heart, lungs, and nervous…
Stop. Take a deep breath. In, out, in, out. Look away from the screen for just a moment and take…
I was walking to drop something off and came across a big impressive cat the size of a Norwegian Forest…
There is so much noise online about the best way to create a summit. The step-by-step process that must be…
“I’d like to share an inner vision that came to me last December while immersed in silent contemplative prayer. It…
This is a testimonial from Liz following a communication I had with her dog, Fanny. Liz wants to share her…
Not all missing or lost animals make it back home safe. I realise I often share stories of reuniting people…